This civilization (named by archaeologists) existed approximately from 3 800 between Kubaniya, Aswan and Saras East in Bam el-Hagar, at the south of the Second Cataract.
It is thought that they had strong rulers because of the The population lived in small communities along the flood plain. Their economy was composed mostly of raising cattle, fishing, agriculture and trade. Trade was one of the most important and must have been an important factor in socio-economic and the political structure of Nubia. This civilization was strongly affected by Egyptian culture and they shared some believes and traditions as well as forms of art. They were famous most of all because of their tombs and cementeries, and is because of tombs that we can tell that their leaders probably played an important role in Egyptian economy, because they used to put offers to the deaths in their tombs.
Art was really important in Nubian civilization, they used to do their art mostly on ivory, ebony, and rock and this was what they mostly traded so, their art was a fundamental factor in their daily lives as well as in their economy(they also traded incense).
Among their forms of art, they used to do ivory bracelets, delicate vessels, stone beads and amulets, copper tools, quartzite palettes used for crushing galena powder (for eyes make-up), female figurines, mortars and grinders, etc.
Their vessels were thin-walled and with geometric patterns and they also offered sea shells to their deaths.
Chicago, The Oriental Institute of The University of. Ancient Nubia: A-Group 3800-3100 BC. s.f. 5 de september de 2014 <>.
Hans-Ake, Nördstorm. The Nubian A-Group. s.f. 5 de september de 2014 <>.
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