Chronological location
2133-1991 B.C.E.
Geographical location
Historical Background
· Lifestyle
o Peasants girls usually married around the age of 12
and the boys were few years older.
o Cooking was done in clay ovens and open fires. Wood
was used for fuel.
o Beer was the most important beverage.
o Everyone in Egypt wore jewelry
· Religion
Osiris became the god of the necropolises and the
pharaohs had participated in mystery rites for Osiris.
· Government
During this period, there were two dynasties (11th and 12th) in each dynasty
different pharaohs were the ones who had the power and the control of the whole
One of the most important kings of the 11th dynasty was Mentuhotep II, who
reunited Lower Egypt and Upper Egypt, since that, middle kingdom initiated.
They had a feudal hierarchy.
Thebes became the artistic center of the Middle
Kingdom during the Eleventh Dynasty. Mentuhotep II built a huge mortuary
complex on the cliffs of the western part of the city, based on funerary
monuments built by his ancestors in Thebes. This period also marked a cultural
reawakening and an appreciation for the arts of the Old Kingdom. Rulers
restored temples and built new pyramids. The written language developed into
its classical form and writers created some of the greatest works of Egyptian
literature. Trade flourished thanks to artists and craftsmen creating beautiful
gold jewelry and painted statues.
· Role of art
The art during that period was very important for the
royalty class, because most of the sculptures represented them. The physical features
of the paintings were painted more realistically.
The jewelry had two purposes, the first one, to show
in which social class were they belonged. The second purpose was to decorate or
simply represent the way of art.
- Examples
Pectoral of princess Sit-Hathor-Yunet
o Paintings were made of limestone
o Sculptures were made out of granary,
ceramic, quartz, cooper and rock crystal
o Jewelry made from gold, garnet and turquoise
o Decoration
o Jewelry
o For showing respect and admiration to the
o Role of the society
o Express of feelings
o Somber
o Realistic
o Detailed
o Meticulous delicacy
o Formalism
Answers. (2014). Egypt’s middle
kingdom Available on: http://history.answers.com/ancient/egypts-middle-kingdom (September 5, 2014, 12:34hrs.)
Gill, N. (2014). About education: Middle
kingdom Egypt Available on: http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/egyptperiods/p/022008MidKingdm.htm (September 5, 2014, 12:13hrs.)
(2014). St. Petersburg Times:
Middle kingdom Egypt daily life: Available on:http://www2.sptimes.com/Egypt/EgyptCredit.4.2.html (September 5, 2014, 12:48hrs.)
Dorman, P. (2014) The metropolitan art museum: Time line art history Available on:http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/14.3.17 (September 5, 2014, 12:53hrs.)
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